Friday, February 24, 2012

Franken Friday

Hi ladies, It's Friday! WHOO HOO! Tonight I'm going to see Tyler Perry's new movie Good Deeds and then we'll see what's up for the weekend.

Ok, I went way out of my comfort zone with today's franken.  I was a bit intimidated at first because I'm like can I make a color that's not really a color, but a color. LOL Did that make sense?  Anyway, I wanted something office appropriate when I go on my externship in a few months.  I wanted something barely there, simple yet chic.  I think I achieved that with this color.  As I was creating this, I was thinking "Aww man, I'm so gonna have lobster claws! Arrgghh!" But I don't :D This is a very pretty champagne color.  I used 2 coats and topped with SV TC.  I hope you like it ladies.  Have a great Friday :D Don't forget tomorrow is my International Trivia Weekend Mini Giveaway. It'll be posted at 7:00 A.M.  I'm in Houston, Texas (central time zone) so make sure y'all calculate the time difference :D Ok, now have a nice day. :D