Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Celebration Giveaway Winner

Hi lovely ladies and Happy Valentine's Day! I'm so excited to be making this announcement! I stayed up late last night getting ready for today. I'm totally doing the Happy Dance right now! Ok, well, I will be after this post! HAHA :D

First, let me say I wish I could give all you lovely ladies these collections. I did this really old school style. I put everyone's name into 3 different boxes then, I went to random.org and put the total number of followers for each social media and the winner was pulled out of the box. Let's see if I can explain this better. For example: I have 61 followers on Funky Frenchies I put in 61 @ random.org and it gave me 26. My honey pulled 25 names and number 26 was the winner (I don't know which 25 he pulled I didn't look.) I had so much fun, but there has to be an easier way!

Funky Frenchies Blog winner is: Marisa from Polish Obsession! She's receiving the Zoya 2012 True Spring Collection along with Fleck Effects! Yay, for her!!!

My Twitter winner is Carolyn from Notes and Nails! She's receiving a England's The Legend Collection! Yay, for her!!!

My Facebook winner is Katy Morris!!! She's winning the Finger Paints Flakie Set!!! Yay, for her!!!

Congratulations ladies!!!

I will be posting the winners on Twitter and Facebook as well. You have 24 hours to respond with your mailing address. If I don't get a response, I'll pick another winner.  

I have another announcement. I've decided to do weekend mini giveaways! I'm still working out the details, so please bear with me. I'm going to add a Giveaway tab explaining my giveaways. I do know they will always be open to everyone :D 

Have a great day ladies!